
A comprehensive evaluation helps develop an in-depth, well-rounded understanding of an individual and their needs. At Coast Psychology, our evaluations examine a variety of skill areas to provide a holistic snapshot of an individual, their unique strengths, and what supports may be most beneficial, such as an IEP or 504 plan. This can be helpful in developing individualized and targeted treatment goals to help you get the most out of therapy or school-based supports. Evaluations are ideal for cases where you’re unsure what’s causing challenges and are looking for answers. Our evaluations can also identify anxiety and other mood disorders, ADHD, learning disabilities, twice exceptionality (2e), and giftedness.

Our process

  • 1.

    Complete intake documents prior to your first appointment.

  • 2.

    Identify two people (e.g., parent, teacher) to serve as additional sources of information throughout the process.

  • 3.

    Meet with a Coast Psychology clinician to gather further information and understand your concerns.

  • 4.

    Participate in 1 to 3 half-day testing sessions virtually or in our Glen Cove office and complete questionnaires from the comfort of your home.

  • 5.

    Attend a virtual meeting to learn about the report's findings and any diagnoses received, and carve out a path for support.

  • 6.

    Receive a copy of this report to submit for school or work-related accommodations, share with your treatment team, and retain for your records.


Available Services:

Cognitive Testing

Academic Testing

Social-emotional Assessment

Behavior Assessment

Feedback Meeting

Complete Diagnostic Report

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

    1. Determining if a learning disability, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia is present, which can only be determined conclusively through a comprehensive evaluation administered by a qualified mental health professional

    2. Determining if a mental health concern such as ADHD, anxiety, or depression is present or co-occurring with another condition

    3. Identifying twice exceptionality (2e) for gifted students who may also have a learning disability

    4. Providing a multidimensional assessment of giftedness

    5. Determining to what extent and in what areas functioning may be impacted

    6. Guiding recommendations for clinical treatment and school supports such as an IEP or 504 plan

    7. Providing rigorous documentation for receiving school-based supports including standardized testing (ACT, SAT) accommodations (extended time, separate location, etc)

  • Most participants find testing tasks quite fun! These tasks are interactive, computer-based, and arranged in an order designed to be engaging. Each appointment lasts between 2-3 hours with plenty of opportunities for breaks. Testing sessions may be scheduled concurrently (pending availability and client age) for the same day with a one-hour lunch break. Parents typically remain in the waiting room adjacent to our office throughout the duration of each testing appointment. Clients should aim to get a good night’s sleep and a balanced meal before each session. At Coast Psychology, we move at your pace to ensure each testing session feels comfortable.

  • Maybe. Maybe not. There is no way to know if such an accommodation would be appropriate prior to testing. A comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation will clearly delineate a unique set of strengths and weaknesses cognitively, academically, and social-emotionally. If testing reveals a demonstrated need, our reports contain detailed accommodation recommendations, which may include extra time. In short, it depends.

    1. Advanced abilities compared to their same-age peers

    2. Uneven development - for example, understanding complex concepts with ease yet having difficulty learning to perform routine tasks like putting their shoes on properly

    3. Having big feelings - they may have deep empathy and emotional sensitivity but lack the ability to regulate these feelings

    4. Seeming easily bored or distractible at school

    5. Constantly asking questions seeking to learn more information - while they may have preferred interests, typically this type of curiosity is seen across a variety of topics

    6. Demonstrates enhanced self-awareness, social awareness, and awareness of the world at large

    7. Has strong creative abilities

    8. They may act a bit quirky at times!